No renderer '1' found for mode '1'


Auflistung der Funktionen in (Py)Clipper mit Link zur jeweiligen Dokumentation.

Funktion Beschreibung
Orientation(poly) Get orientation of the supplied polygon
Area(poly) Get area of the supplied polygon
PointInPolygon(point, poly) Determine where does the point lie regarding the provided polygon
SimplifyPolygon(poly, PolyFillType fill_type=pftEvenOdd) Removes self-intersections from the supplied polygon
SimplifyPolygons(polys, PolyFillType fill_type=pftEvenOdd) Removes self-intersections from the supplied polygons
CleanPolygon(poly, double distance=1.415) Removes unnecessary vertices from the provided polygon
CleanPolygons(polys, double distance=1.415) Removes unnecessary vertices from the provided polygons
MinkowskiSum(pattern, path, bint path_is_closed) Performs Minkowski Addition of the pattern and path
MinkowskiSum2(pattern, paths, bint path_is_closed) Performs Minkowski Addition of the pattern and paths
MinkowskiDiff(poly1, poly2) Performs Minkowski Difference
PolyTreeToPaths(poly_node) Converts a PyPolyNode to a list of paths
ClosedPathsFromPolyTree(poly_node) Filters out open paths from the PyPolyNode and returns only closed paths
OpenPathsFromPolyTree(poly_node) Filters out closed paths from the PyPolyNode and returns only open paths
ReversePath(path) Reverses the vertex order (and hence orientation) in the specified path
ReversePaths(paths) Reverses the vertex order (and hence orientation) in each path
scale_to_clipper(path_or_paths, scale = 2 ** 31) Take a path or list of paths with coordinates represented by floats and scale them using the specified factor
scale_from_clipper(path_or_paths, scale = 2 ** 31) Take a path or list of paths with coordinates represented by ints and scale them back to a fractional representation


  • Zuletzt geändert: 2020-01-19 15:07