No renderer '1' found for mode '1'

Repetier-Firmware: G-Codes

G0 G1
G1 Coordinated Movement X Y Z E, S1 disables boundary check, S0 enables it
G28 Home all axis or named axis.
M106 S<speed> P<fan> - Fan on speed = 0..255, P = 0 or 1, 0 is default and can be omitted
M107 P<fan> - Fan off, P = 0 or 1, 0 is default and can be omitted
M115 Capabilities string
M119 Report endstop status
M205 Output EEPROM settings
M206 T[0-2]<data_type> P<position> S<integer> / T3 P<position> X<float> - Set EEPROM value
M303 P<extruder/bed> S<printTemerature> X0 R<Repetitions>- Autodetect pid values. Use P<NUM_EXTRUDER> for heated bed. X0 saves result in EEPROM. R is number of cycles.
G4 Dwell S<seconds> or P<milliseconds>
G10 S<1 = long retract, 0 = short retract = default> retracts filament according to stored setting
G11 S<1 = long retract, 0 = short retract = default> = Undo retraction according to stored setting
G20 Units for G0/G1 are inches.
G21 Units for G0/G1 are mm.
G29 S<0..2> - Z-Probe at the 3 defined probe points. S = 1 measure avg. zHeight, S = 2 store avg zHeight
G30 P<0..3> - Single z-probe at current position P = 1 first measurement, P = 2 Last measurement P = 0 or 3 first and last measurement
G31 Write signal of probe sensor
G32 S<0..2> P<0..1> - Autolevel print bed. S = 1 measure zLength, S = 2 Measure and store new zLength
G90 Use absolute coordinates
G91 Use relative coordinates
G92 Set current position to coordinates given
G131 set extruder offset position to 0 - needed for calibration with G132
G132 calibrate endstop positions. Call this, after calling G131 and after centering the extruder holder.
G133 measure steps until max endstops for deltas. Can be used to detect lost steps within tolerances of endstops.
G134 Px Sx Zx - Calibrate nozzle height difference (need z probe in nozzle!) Px = reference extruder, Sx = only measure extrude x against reference, Zx = add to measured z distance for Sx for correction.
G201 P<motorId> X<pos> - Go to position X with motor X
G202 P<motorId> X<setpos> - Mark current position as X
G203 P<motorId> - Report current motor position
G204 P<motorId> S<0/1> - Enable/disable motor
M3 Spindle on, Clockwise or Laser on during G1 moves.
M4 Spindle on, Counterclockwise.
M5 Spindle off, Laser off.
M20 List SD card
M21 Init SD card
M22 Release SD card
M23 Select SD file (M23 filename.g)
M24 Start/resume SD print
M25 Pause SD print
M26 Set SD position in bytes (M26 S12345)
M27 Report SD print status
M28 Start SD write (M28 filename.g)
M29 Stop SD write
M30 <filename> Delete file on sd card
M32 <dirname> create subdirectory
M42 P<pin number> S<value 0..255> - Change output of pin P to S. Does not work on most important pins
M80 Turn on power supply
M81 Turn off power supply
M82 Set E codes absolute (default)
M83 Set E codes relative while in Absolute Coordinates (G90) mode
M84 Disable steppers until next move, or use S<seconds> to specify an inactivity timeout, after which the steppers will be disabled. S0 to disable the timeout
M85 Set inactivity shutdown timer with parameter S<seconds>. To disable set zero (default)
M92 Set axisStepsPerMM - same syntax as G92
M99 S<delayInSec> X0 Y0 Z0 - Disable motors for S seconds (default 10) for given axis
M104 S<temp> T<extruder> P1 F1 - Set temperature without wait. P1 = wait for moves to finish, F1 = beep when temp. reached first time
M105 X0 - Get temperatures. If X0 is added, the raw analog values are also written
M109 Wait for extruder current temp to reach target temp.
M114 S1 - Display current position, S1 = also write position in steps
M112 Emergency kill
M116 Wait for all temperatures in a +/- 1 degree range
M117 <message> Write message in status row on lcd
M140 S<temp> F1 - Set bed target temp, F1 makes a beep when temperature is reached the first time
M163 S<extruderNum> P<weight> - Set weight for this mixing extruder drive
M164 S<virtNum> P<0 = dont store eeprom,1 = store to eeprom> - Store weights as virtual extruder S
M190 Wait for bed current temp to reach target temp
M200 T<extruder> D<diameter> - Use volumetric extrusion. Set D0 or omit D to disable volumetric extr. Omit T for current extruder
M201 Set max acceleration in units/s2 for print moves (M201 X1000 Y1000)
M202 Set max acceleration in units/s2 for travel moves (M202 X1000 Y1000)
M203 Set temperature monitor to Sx
M204 Set PID parameter X ⇒ Kp Y ⇒ Ki Z ⇒ Kd S<extruder> Default is current extruder. NUM_EXTRUDER=Heated bed
M207 X<XY jerk> Z<Z Jerk> E<ExtruderJerk> - Changes current jerk values, but do not store them in eeprom
M209 S<0/1> Enable/disable autoretraction
M220 S<Feedrate multiplier in percent> - Increase/decrease given feedrate
M221 S<Extrusion flow multiplier in percent> - Increase/decrease given flow rate
M226 P<pin> S<state 0/1> - Wait for pin getting state S. Add X0 to init as input without pullup and X1 for input with pullup
M231 S<OPS_MODE> X<Min_Distance> Y<Retract> Z<Backlash> F<ReatrctMove> - Set OPS parameter
M232 Read and reset max. advance values
M233 X<AdvanceK> Y<AdvanceL> Set temporary advance K-value to X and linear term advanceL to Y
M251 Measure Z steps from homing stop (Delta printers). S0 - Reset, S1 - Print, S2 - Store to Z length (also EEPROM if enabled)
M280 S<mode> - Set ditto printing mode. mode: 0 = off, 1 = 1 extra extruder, 2 = 2 extra extruder, 3 = 3 extra extruders
M281 Test if watchdog is running and working. Use M281 X0 to disable watchdog on AVR boards. Sometimes needed for boards with old bootloaders to allow reflashing.
M300 S<Frequency> P<DurationMillis> play frequency
M302 S<0 or 1> - allow cold extrusion. Without S parameter it will allow. S1 will disallow.
M320 S<0/1> - Activate autolevel, S1 stores it in eeprom
M321 S<0/1> - Deactivate autolevel, S1 stores it in eeprom
M322 Reset autolevel matrix
M323 S0/S1 enable disable distortion correction P0 = not permanent, P1 = permanent = default
M340 P<servoId> S<pulseInUS> R<autoOffIn ms>: servoID = 0..3, Servos are controlled by a pulse with normally between 500 and 2500 with 1500ms in center position. 0 turns servo off. R allows automatic disabling after a while.
M350 S<mstepsAll> X<mstepsX> Y<mstepsY> Z<mstepsZ> E<mstepsE0> P<mstespE1> : Set microstepping on RAMBO board
M355 S<0/1> - Turn case light on/off, no S = report status
M360 show configuration
M400 Wait until move buffers empty
M401 Store x, y and z position.
M402 Go to stored position. If X, Y or Z is specified, only these coordinates are used. F changes feedrate for that move.
M408 S<0-5> - Return status as json string (requires matching feature) for PanelDue
M450 Reports printer mode
M451 Set printer mode to FFF
M452 Set printer mode to laser
M453 Set printer mode to CNC
M460 X<minTemp> Y<maxTemp> : Set temperature range for thermistor controlled fan
M500 Store settings to EEPROM
M501 Load settings from EEPROM
M502 Reset settings to the one in configuration.h. Does not store values in EEPROM!
M513 Clear all jam marker.
M600 Change filament
M601 S<1/0> - Pause extruders. Paused extrudes disable heaters and motor. Unpausing reheats extruder to old temp.
M602 S<1/0> P<1/0>- Debug jam control (S) Disable jam control (P). If enabled it will log signal changes and will not trigger jam errors!
M603 Simulate a jam
M604 X<slowdownSteps> Y<errorSteps> Z<slowdownTo> T<extruderId> - Set jam detection values on a per extruder basis. If not set it uses defaults from Configuration.h
M908 P<address> S<value> : Set stepper current for digipot (RAMBO board)
M999 Continue from fatal error. M999 S1 will create a fatal error for testing.
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2020-10-25 08:23